TSV Westerland

TSV Westerland under new management

TSV Westerland has voted: Silke Mielck is the new chairwoman of the Westerland sports club and thus successor to Hans Wilhelm Hansen, who did not stand for re-election. He explained his decision to the approximately 30 of a total of 2159 members of the second largest North Frisian sports club present on Tuesday, May 23, in the TSV clubhouse, on the one hand with his more than 56 years of voluntary work, “which must come to an end at some point.”

On the other hand, he also cited as a reason a great frustration that had built up in him during his six years as chairman because crucial things were not progressing for the TSV and was harsh on the administration of the municipality of Sylt – and also on himself: “From my point of view, communication with politicians has always worked very well,” he recalled. “It would be the mayor’s job to implement their decisions – but he is not fulfilling this task, at least when it comes to the Sylt Stadium.”

Talks on the Sylt Stadium decided by politicians had not taken place and inquiries made in the school, youth, culture and sports committee had still not been answered after more than half a year. Last summer, the plan was made to relocate the punks and protest campers to the Syltstadion, “despite knowledge of the use by TSV Westerland – I no longer want to endure this disdain, especially with regard to athletics,” summed up the outgoing chairman and continued, visibly moved: “Unfortunately, despite many discussions, I have not been able to achieve any results for the club. My heart continues to beat for TSV Westerland, but it deserves a better chairman.”

Many of the members present did not follow this critical self-assessment and even suggested that Hansen be appointed – if not honorary chairman – at least an honorary member at the next annual general meeting. Hansen modestly acknowledged the suggestion: “Whether I deserve this, you have to decide.”

However, there was already great applause at this year’s meeting – both for him and for his unanimously elected successor Silke Mielck, who was actively looking to the future: A high need for renovation in the clubhouse, the implementation of the master plan for the Multipark – the association had a lot of work ahead of it, both agreed.

Incidentally, there were few personnel changes in the club: Verena Wittke as treasurer, Jenny-Mae Barth, Maike Persson and Fabian Marten as auditors and Gert Rübsam as sports manager – they were all unanimously re-elected. The latter is expected to be the last time: According to the unanimous opinion of those present, the office of the classic sports manager in the club is now obsolete and is to be deleted from the statutes. For this purpose, Dieter Kranz was elected for the first time as a senior citizen warden.