TSV Westerland
Training dates:
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
16:00 |
- "Seepferdchen I", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Bronze, Voraussetzung: Seepferdchen |
- "Frösche", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Silber, Voraussetzung: Bronze TSV |
- "Seepferdchen II", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Bronze, Voraussetzung: Seepferdchen |
16:15 | |||||
16:30 | |||||
16:45 | |||||
17:00 |
Handicap + Wettkampforientiert
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- "Pinguine II", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Gold, Voraussetzung: Silber TSV |
- "Pinguine I", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Gold, Voraussetzung: Silber TSV |
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17:15 | |||||
17:30 | |||||
17:45 | |||||
18:00 |
Breitensport + Wettkampforientiert
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18:15 | |||||
18:30 | |||||
18:45 |
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
16:00 |
- "Seepferdchen I", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Bronze, Voraussetzung: Seepferdchen |
- "Seepferdchen II", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Bronze, Voraussetzung: Seepferdchen |
16:15 | |||||
16:30 | |||||
16:45 |
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
17:00 |
Handicap + Wettkampforientiert
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17:15 | |||||
17:30 | |||||
17:45 |
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
17:00 |
- "Pinguine II", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Gold, Voraussetzung: Silber TSV |
- "Pinguine I", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Gold, Voraussetzung: Silber TSV |
17:15 | |||||
17:30 | |||||
17:45 |
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
18:00 |
Breitensport + Wettkampforientiert
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18:15 | |||||
18:30 | |||||
18:45 |
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
16:00 |
- "Frösche", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Silber, Voraussetzung: Bronze TSV |
16:15 | |||||
16:30 | |||||
16:45 |
Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | |
17:00 |
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17:15 | |||||
17:30 | |||||
17:45 | |||||
18:00 |
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18:15 | |||||
18:30 | |||||
18:45 |
"Seepferdchen I", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Bronze, Voraussetzung: Seepferdchen
Handicap + Wettkampforientiert
"Pinguine II", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Gold, Voraussetzung: Silber TSV
Breitensport + Wettkampforientiert
"Frösche", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Silber, Voraussetzung: Bronze TSV
"Seepferdchen II", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Bronze, Voraussetzung: Seepferdchen
"Pinguine I", Plätze: 30, Ziel: Gold, Voraussetzung: Silber TSV
Popular sport: Swimmers with gold badges and amateur swimmers required to participate regularly
Competition-oriented: for children interested in swimming who want to do more than the badge, performance assessment and group allocation is done by the coaches, regular participation at min. 2 training times per week required
Information about the swimming courses of TSV Westerland:
General Information
The courses always start on the hour at the sports pool of the Sylter Welle. From 15 minutes before the start of the course, admission will be granted by showing the swimmer’s pass. Your child changes his or her clothes independently and should arrive in the hall in good time for the start of training without showering.
Access to the hall is reserved exclusively for course participants with the appropriate ID.
Your child should always bring the complete personal training material for swimming:
- Swimmer’s pass
- T-shirt
- Bathing cap
- Swimming goggles (must be procured by yourself)
If the material is incomplete, your child can only participate as a spectator.
Please do not give your child Bermuda shorts or bikinis to swim training! During swimming, children are not allowed to wear jewelry (necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, watches, etc.) Chewing gum, sweets, etc. are also not allowed.
The swimming session ends after 60 minutes. The subsequent showering is soap-free at the sports pool, the communal showers are NOT used.
Please make sure that your child comes to swimming lessons regularly. Children who do not attend the course for more than 3 weeks will be excluded from further participation and must register for the next course.
Aim of the course
The aim of the course is to teach content and techniques for the acquisition of an effective and safe swimming style. At the end of a course cycle (in the last week before the holidays), the exam for a corresponding swimming badge (bronze, silver, gold) takes place. Every child has the opportunity to participate, but participation in a course does not guarantee that they will pass the exam. However, the trainers or trainers can give you a tendency to your level of performance in advance.
Please note that children are not supervised during changing times. Only one instructor is available at this time in the checkout or changing area as a contact person in case of emergencies or similar. TSV Westerland e.V. cannot accept any liability for any accidents and damage to personal belongings during this time. The instructors’ complete duty of supervision over the course participants begins and ends in the entrance area of the sports pool. Your child should also leave valuables (such as mobile phones, jewellery or cash) at home, as no liability can be assumed for this either.
Sign up now:
Latest swimming news:
Zahlreiche Titel für Sylter Schwimmer beim Störpokal
18 Wettkampfschwimmer des TSV Westerland machten sich in diesem Jahr auf den Weg zur 28. Auflage des Störpokals in Itzehoe, darunter viele junge Nachwuchsschwimmer, die erstmalig bei einem so großen Event an den Start gingen.
Bronze für Lennart Guetari bei Norddeutschen Langstreckenmeisterschaften im Schwimmen
Bei den in Rostock ausgetragenen Norddeutschen Meisterschaften der langen Strecken ging mit Lennart Guetari (Jg. 2011) auch ein Schwimmer des TSV Westerland an den Start.