Annual General Meeting 2023


  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Greetings
  3. Adoption of the agenda and adoption of resolutions
  4. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of 15.06.2022 *
  5. Reports (board, office, clubhouse, divisions, sports teachers, sports badges,
    Jugendwartin, Kassenbericht)
  6. Cash audit report
    1. Report of the Auditors
    2. Discharge of the Treasurer
    3. Discharge of the Board of Management
  7. Revision of the Articles of Association
    The draft of the new version of the statutes can be viewed in the office or on the website
  8. Statutory elections
    1. Sports manager, so far: Gert Rübsam, proposal: re-election
    2. Senior Caretaker, Suggestion: Dieter Kranz
    3. Youth warden, so far: Jenny-Mae Barth, suggestion: re-election
    4. Treasurer so far: Verena Wittke, proposal: re-election
    5. Chairman, so far: Hans Wilhelm Hansen, proposal: Silke Mielck
    6. Auditor, so far: Fabian Marten, proposal: re-election
    7. Auditor, so far: Maike Persson, proposal: re-election
  9. Applications**
  10. Miscellaneous

* Minutes of the MV see under or in the office
** Applications must be submitted to the office by 07.05.2023 (incoming mail)



Mai 23 2023




TSV Vereinsheim
TSV Vereinsheim
Sjipwai 10, 25980 Sylt

Andere Veranstaltungsorte
