Annual General Meeting 2023
- Opening and welcome
- Greetings
- Adoption of the agenda and adoption of resolutions
- Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of 15.06.2022 *
- Reports (board, office, clubhouse, divisions, sports teachers, sports badges,
Jugendwartin, Kassenbericht) - Cash audit report
- Report of the Auditors
- Discharge of the Treasurer
- Discharge of the Board of Management
- Revision of the Articles of Association
The draft of the new version of the statutes can be viewed in the office or on the website - Statutory elections
- Sports manager, so far: Gert Rübsam, proposal: re-election
- Senior Caretaker, Suggestion: Dieter Kranz
- Youth warden, so far: Jenny-Mae Barth, suggestion: re-election
- Treasurer so far: Verena Wittke, proposal: re-election
- Chairman, so far: Hans Wilhelm Hansen, proposal: Silke Mielck
- Auditor, so far: Fabian Marten, proposal: re-election
- Auditor, so far: Maike Persson, proposal: re-election
- Applications**
- Miscellaneous
* Minutes of the MV see under or in the office
** Applications must be submitted to the office by 07.05.2023 (incoming mail)