138. Annual meeting
For the years 2020 and 2021. Guests are welcome, only TSV members have the right to vote.
Agenda (year 2020):
- Opening and welcome
- Greetings
- Adoption of the agenda and adoption of resolutions
- Approval of the minutes of the general meeting of 29.10.2020 *
- Reports (board, office, clubhouse, divisions, sports teachers, sports badges, youth warden, cash report)
- Cash audit report
- Report of the Auditors
- Discharge of the Treasurer
- Discharge of the Board of Management
- Revision of the Articles of Association
The new version of the statutes can be viewed in the office or on the website www.tsv-westerland.de - Statutory elections (2020)
Sports manager, so far: Gert Rübsam, proposal: re-election
Senior warden, so far: Frauke Greite, suggestion: Renate Krüger
Youth warden, so far: Torsten Lickfers, proposal: re-election
Treasurer, so far: Sascha van der Haar, proposal: re-election
Chairman, so far: Hans Wilhelm Hansen, proposal: re-election - Applications**
- Miscellaneous
* Minutes of the MV see under www.tsv-westerland.de or in the office
** Applications must be submitted to the office by 31.05.2022 (receipt of mail)
Agenda (year 2021):
- Opening and welcome (year 2021)
- Adoption of the agenda and adoption of resolutions
- Reports (board, office, clubhouse, divisions, sports teachers, sports badges, youth warden, cash report)
- Cash audit report
- Report of the Auditors
- Discharge of the Treasurer
- Discharge of the Board of Management
- Statutory elections (2021)
Deputy. Chairman, so far: Christopher Scharf, proposal: re-election
Legal Affairs Officer, so far: Christopher Scharf, Proposal: Re-election
Consultant for insurance issues, so far: Günter Scharf, proposal: re-election
2nd Treasurer, so far: Helga Rey, proposal: re-election
Auditor, so far: Maike Person, Proposal: Re-election, so far: Fabian Marten, Proposal: Re-election - Miscellaneous